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Writing a Literature Review

A literature review is a comprehensive discussion pertaining to the overall overview or current progress of a particular topic. The review covers scholarly articles, books, reports, theses, magazines and etc. A literature review is not limited to when you want to write a thesis, research journal, and research proposal. The purpose of the review could be for finding a gap for future work, enhance understanding, or keeping track of recent progress. For this post, we are going to focus on… Read More »Writing a Literature Review


Write Science Paper Effectively: Write Problem Statement

The statement of the problem to be solved must be clearly written for a good introduction. The general statement and research description shall help the reader to grasp the area of your research. Now, here we should be more specific on the issue to be solved. The problem statement should be constructive. Applied the following step to write a compelling problem statement. General statement of the problem & research question In the beginning, create a general statement on the issue… Read More »Write Science Paper Effectively: Write Problem Statement


Write Science Paper Effectively: Write Research Description

A good introduction of a research paper must have a general statement, research description, and problem statement. We have prepared tips on how to write a general statement for the introduction in the previous post. Now we want to continue to the next subsection of the introduction, which is the research description. In brief, the research description is a mini-review of a specific research field. It has to be specific because the general information was included in the earlier subsection… Read More »Write Science Paper Effectively: Write Research Description

general statement for introduction

Write Science Paper Effectively: Write General Statement

An in-depth understanding of the background of the research is necessary to conduct research. With poor knowledge, you cannot do research or write anything related to research. To gain more information, you need to read articles, journals, books, etc on a constant basis. Engage in discussions related to your research field may enhance your knowledge as well. Later, this knowledge would be useful for writing a good introduction to a science paper. The first section needs to be written is… Read More »Write Science Paper Effectively: Write General Statement

Write science paper

Write Science Paper Effectively: Write a Good Introduction

The first essay we need to write for a thesis, report, research proposal, science paper, or science journal is the introduction. These documents have different styles of formats regardless, the introduction is a must. This section is the foundation of your paper and it should guide your reader to the overall content. At the end of the reading, the reader should be able to grasp the juice of your paper. Hence, the introduction must be structured properly to help the… Read More »Write Science Paper Effectively: Write a Good Introduction